
Lightening the Load: An Innovative Model for Supporting Overwhelmed Legal Teams

Lightening the Load: An Innovative Model for Supporting Overwhelmed Legal Teams

A recent Bloomberg Law article has sparked discussion within the legal services industry, turning a spotlight on the mounting pressures faced by in-house legal teams. According to Axiom’s latest survey of 300 GCs nationwide, corporate legal departments are struggling with a significant lack of resources across the board—from budget to technology, expertise, and team structure—hindering their ability to fulfill their required tasks. An unfortunate reality for sure, but what really caught my attention was the article’s final observation that 100% of GCs surveyed reported “experiencing challenges that caused them to regret engaging the law firm [to which they had outsourced legal work].”

Stop for a moment and let that sink in. You can’t get 100% of people to agree that the earth is round, yet every single one of the 300 GCs surveyed agreed they faced challenges that caused them to regret engaging outside counsel. It’s a staggering statistic, and serves as a powerful reminder of just how crucial it is to choose the right legal partners. 

This sentiment aligns perfectly with our firm’s core belief that the traditional law firm model is broken, and innovative legal solutions are the answer. At OGC, we have built our entire practice model around this principle. We match former GCs and senior in-house lawyers with companies of all sizes tailoring our services to their particular needs. With a minimum of 15 years of experience (most of which were spent in-house), our attorneys bring a pragmatic, business-centric approach to the table. We offer more than legal acumen; we provide the efficiency and agility of seasoned in-house legal executives. It’s a winning combination that consistently delivers results.

Even more, it is OGC’s mission to be an “Easy to Do Business With” (#ETDBW) law firm. By making our clients’ lives easier, we can drive greater value for them. Examples of this ethos in practice at OGC include flexible engagements, affordable rates, and a high caliber client satisfaction program. As GCs grapple with the challenge of having to “do more with less, ” consider how OGC can help you in meeting whatever resourcing challenge(s) you may be facing. For more information, please contact us.

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